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StatsToDo: Bayes and Naive Bayes Probability

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Attributes ± Outcome Designation

Array of of Apriori Probabilities

Input Using Attributes ± Outcome Designation
    The data is a table with 2 or more columns
    Each row contains data from a case from the reference data
    The last, right most, column is for the outcome
    All columns to the left are for attributes, each column a predictor
    Each cell the name of attribute or outcome
    All names must be single words

Array of Apriori Probabilities
    Probability for each outcome before attributes are known
    Single row, number of columns = number of outcomes
    Columns separated by spaces of tabs
    Values representing relative probabilities or frequencies

Table of Counts

Array of of Apriori Probabilities

Input Using a Table of Counts
    The is a table of counts
    Col 1 contains the predictors in numerical order
    Col 2 contains attributes of predictor
    All other columns to the right for the outcomes
    The first row contains the outcome names
    Each following row are for each attribute
    Each cell is the count of the attribute (row) for that outcome (Col)

Array of Apriori Probabilities
    Probability for each outcome before attributes are known
    Single row, number of columns = number of outcomes
    Columns separated by spaces of tabs
    Values representing relative probabilities or frequencies

Table of P(a|o) Coefficients

Array of of Apriori Probabilities

Input Using a Table of Probability of attributes
given the outcome P(a|o)

    This is a table of probabilities P(a|o)
    Col 1 contains the predictors in numerical order
    Col 2 contains attributes of predictor
    All other columns to the right for the outcomes
    The first row contains the outcome names
    Each following row are for each attribute
    Each cell is the Probability attribute for the outcome P(a|o)

Array of Apriori Probabilities
    Probability for each outcome before attributes are known
    Single row, number of columns = number of outcomes
    Columns separated by spaces of tabs
    Values representing relative probabilities or frequencies