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StatsToDo: Make Effect Size Prior to Meta-analysis

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Data for Difference Between Means, Standard Difference Between Means, and Log(Ratio of Means)
Data a table with 6 columns
    - Each row from a separate study
    - All rows have 6 columns
    - Column 1, 2, and 3 = n, mean, Standard Deviation of index (treatment) group
    - Column 4, 5, and 6 = n, mean, Standard Deviation of reference (control) group

Difference Between Means:
Standard Differences Between Means:
Log(Ratio of Means):

Data for Risk Difference, Log(Risk Ratio), and Log(Odds Ratio) :
Data a table with 6 columns
    - Each row from a separate study
    - All rows have 4 columns
    - Column 1 and 2 = numbers with positive attributes in index and reference group (pos1,pos2)
    - Column 3 and 4 = numbers with negative attributes in index and reference group (neg1,neg2)

Risk Difference:
Log(Risk Ratio):
Log(Odds Ratio):

Data for Correlation Coefficients :
Data a table with 2 columns
    - Each row from a separate study
    - All rows have 2 columns
    - Column 1 = sample size (n)
    - Column 2 = Correlation Coefficient (ρ)

Correlation Coefficients:

Reverse Transformation from Fisher's Z to Correlation Ciefficient ρ
    - Data a single column of Z values